This is what Essena O’Neill, 18, renamed her Instagram account to.
Essena has almost 700,000 followers on Instagram and has about 260,000 subscribers on her Youtube page. So what prompted her to quit her social media life? In this video Essena shares with us her thoughts and feelings about social media and why she quit.
This is yet another knock in the head for everyone who thinks that just because we see it on social media, it means its real. We have endlessly talked about models and bloggers who have been photoshopped and while others are enthralled with the idea of it that they don’t seem to see how it affects the world, others loathe it.
We may not know what Essena went through and what really happened for her to let it all out, we don’t know if she is doing this for attention or she is really changing her life. But what I know is that anything that makes an 18 year old become an 18 year old who doesn’t live her life by likes, follows, comments, subscribers, and selfies is for the better.
What do you guys think?
Check her out on Instagram and see how she totally changed her point of view:
Tags: essena o'neill, essena o'neill instagram, socialmediaisnotreallife