How Rihanna Helped Kill Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show
Is The Modeling Industry Struggling To Stay Relevant?
Miss Universe Host Ashley Graham Loved By The Crowd
Models Finally Speak About Catwalk Misery and Debt Slavery
Gigi Hadid in A Bridal Dress in Moschino's 2019 Runway Show
Brooke Shields Stars In Swimsuits For All Campaign at 52
Gigi Hadid's Hashimoto's Disease Diagnosis
Ashley Graham and Her Mom In A Body Positive Swimsuit Campaign
Hi there!
My name is Sarah Woodstock, and I’m an international model (I’ve been to over 40 countries, and I miss home every time I leave). I love my job. I started this site to help my fellow models.
In fact, I get so many questions that I published my own book with my advice, which you can learn about (and order) here.
I don’t always think I look pretty – in fact, that’s something I’m working on daily. I hate my thighs – they require way too much exercise to stay in shape. My hair can get really annoyingly frizzy. I have tiny hairs on my upper lip that I sometimes forget to remove and then some poor makeup artist has to do it. And, oh yeah, my skin breaks out way too often, but I’ve learned to control it with my new skin care regimen (coconut oil!) and a healthy vegan diet (I share my tips on this site, actually). Despite all that, modeling agencies around the world want to work with me (yeah, it was a surprise to me too!)
Confession: I’ve gotten so used to seeing my professional photos retouched that I no longer like the way I look in regular snapshots. Seriously. Like, at all.
I’m primarily based in New York City (but I sometimes spend months at a time in LA), and I travel all over the world every month for modeling jobs. I mostly do magazine work and commercial bookings now, but it took me a while to book my first paid modeling job after I was scouted at a Denny’s when I was 17.
I love seeing comments on the articles I post here, so please comment away… and I know of at least one girl who was scouted by a booker at Next through a comment on one of the articles on this site! Oh, and always remember: as a model, the more exposure you can get, the better!
You can feel free to connect with me on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. You can also email me at [email protected]
Oh yeah, I also write for Urbanette Magazine, so check out my articles there too!
Much Love! xo Sarah Woodstock